Monday, 15 July 2019

NEMA embarks on massive Biodiversity Restoration Exercise.


NEMA-Mbale Regional Office in partnership with NFA-Moroto Range Office, Moroto District Local Government and local communities (including the indigenous Tepeth) have commenced on tree-planting Exercise  to restore the river  Lia water  catchment   area .

The exercise will result in the restoration of at least 10 hectares of Moroto Forest Reserve. A total of at least 7,000 trees will be planted in an area that constitutes a critical part of the catchment area that provides headwaters for the Lia stream.
Officials planting the tree's 

The stream is an important element in the makeup of the water resource base and natural drainage pattern of Moroto and the greater northeastern region in general. The catchment area was encroached on by encroachers for Agriculture related Activities

 Community Engagement during the Exercise  
In related development the Environment protection agency for Uganda has also embarked on the restoration of Oliduru Central Forest Reserve in Ogwet Sub county inOtuke District. The restoration comes at atime when the forests trees were almost cut down due to the high demand for wood related products such as charcoal and timber for construction purposes.

To ensure that the forest is restored, NEMA in collaboration with National Forest Authority in collaboration with the Ngetta   Agriculture Research Institute and the Otuke Local Government will plant over 15000 Shea nuts seedlings in the bare parts of the forest reserve covering up to 222 hectares of land.

 Francis  Ogwal the  NEMA,s Natural Resources  manager in charge of  Biodiversity and Rangelands  said that restoring the Country’s, degraded Biodiversity is critical towards mitigating  the Impacts that  are associated  Biodiversity destruction such as floods  and the accumulation of greenhouse gasses  in the atmosphere.  

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

UN, Environment& Faith Organization to host Climate Emergency Conference.


United  Nations Environment Program( UNEP)  is to host a two days International UN Environment’s Faith for Earth Initiative conference as part of the commemoration of the fourth Anniversary of the  Laudato Si', the second encyclical of Pope Francis, specifically on the environment.

The conference is being organized by UN Environment’s Faith for Earth Initiative—along with partners including the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and it will take place at the UN Environment Head offices in Nairobi Kenya.

The 15-16July conference will focus on climate emergency and ecosystems restoration to spur governments and young people to heed the calls of many indigenous peoples for better global stewardship of the environment.
Cardinal Peter Turkson  will be the main speaker at the Conference 
On many occasions the Catholic Church headed by   Pope Francis has already warned about the dangers of global heating. Thus the only way to combat it is through the collaboration between the faith based organizations like the Catholic Church working closely with Environment Organizations   like UN Environment to come up with solution to mitigate climate change.

Commenting on the upcoming Conference, Charles McNeill, Senior Policy Advisor on Forests and Climate, UN Environment says youth are key in combating climate change but on many occasions have been left out to participate in decision making that is why the organization has brought them on board as strong shareholders in the fight against climate change.

“Youth will be the foundation of any faith-based movement to end tropical deforestation, and we welcome this conference as an opportunity to deepen and expand commitment across faiths and sectors. “He said in Press statement.

 The Faith for Earth Initiative is also working with faith-based investment institutions to help them make the switch from carbon-based investments towards more sustainable energy and other investments. Speakers at the conference will be led by Cardinal Peter Turkson  a Ghanaian  who will provide a scientific perspective on the current state of the world and stress the importance of youth engagement.

According to the statement, the conference will address urgent needs and opportunities in Africa and showcase best practices across the continent and the role of youth leadership and innovation.

Commenting on the perspective on the catholic youth the Executive Director of the Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa Allen Attaro says  “Africa’s youth feel the urgent responsibility to ensure their communities, countries and the continent act as frontrunners for a safe, sustainable and productive future for them and for future generations,”