Friday, 3 March 2017

Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Uganda partners with KCCA to improve city sanitation


KAMPALA-UGANDA----Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Uganda (CCBA) has signed a memorandum of Understanding with Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) with KCCA aims at ensuring keeping Kampala City clean with no plastic wastes.

Under the MOU KCCA will gazette some places in the urban Municipalities of Nakawa and the central division where all plastic wastes will be collated before its being transported to the Plastic recycling Industry for recycling.
Coca-cola Beverages Africa Group Director of Public Affairs and Communication Norah Odwesso (L) signs MOU with KCCA executive Director Jenipher Musisi at the KCCA head office, the MOU will see the beverage company collecting and paying for all plastic wastes collected in the city.    
 Norah Odwesso, the CCBA Group Director of Public Affairs and Communications expressed gratitude for the deal with the city Authority saying it will improve the sanitation status of the city.
As a responsible Company, we focus on constantly reducing the impact of our packaging on the environment through the light weighting of our packaging material and supporting recycling efforts this will not solve the problem of Environmental impact associated with plastic wastes  but also creates jobs to the many unemployed youth in the city” she said.

In Uganda its CCBA the  first Company to construct PET collection centers across the entire country which The pet collection centers were Launched  in 2010 the collected platic wastes were recycled at the Nakawa based Plastic Recycling Industry (PRI) previously owned by Rwenzor bottling company which was later taken over by CCBA for recycling.

Apart from working with KCCA, CCBA has also partnered with Mukono Municipality and Masaka dioceses to establish plastic collection centres where plastic wastes can be collected and transported to Kampala for recycling. 

Through these recycling efforts, the company has been able to create employment for over 1500 Ugandans, especially the urban poor. Noteworthy, 80% of these collectors are women who at least earn about $17 per week.

Speaking during the MOU signing event, the KCCA Executive Director Mrs. Jeniffer Musisi pledged to route all collected plastic waste using their trucks to the Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Plastic Recycling plant at Nakawa.

“As city Authority we are committed to work with CCBA to ensure that all plastic wastes generated in the city is disposed off scientifically to reduce the Environmental impacts associated with poor disposal mechanism such as open burning of  plastic wastes in open air” she promised.
Kampala city like other urban towns generates about 1,680 tons of plastic waste  almost on monthly basis, the wastes accumulated in the city has had environmental impact  like aiding floods in the city due to the wastes blocking the drainage channels in the five Urban Municipalities which make up of Kampala city.

The two Institutions are optimistic that if the MOU is highly supported it will have big impact on the social well faire of the urban poor. According to the statistics from the plastic recycling Industry the plant is now employing 45 permanent staff 70-100 temporary, 120 suppliers and the number is expected to rise if more collection centres are established by KCCA.

CCBA through the PRI pays Ugx 500 per kilogram of plastic wastes collected and delivered to the collecting centres unroute to the recycling plant. 

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